Nine Noble Virtues – “Courage – Fear is a Choice”

Happy Odin’s Day!

“I will face my fears and defend my family and kindred from all dangers”

As a Christian, I was sold on the notion that perfect love casts out fear. Until you realize that the organized monotheistic religions all live and continue to exist based on fear of hell or punishment. There is no real love in it. So love doesn’t really cast out fear.

There is also the statement that Fear is not real. But the statement kind of indicates fear is a choice. I am not sure about that completely, but I get the sentiment that we choose in some ways to let fear paralyze us. It is a choice to be fearful. Or perhaps we chose to deal with our fears by either submitting to them or dismissing them and forging forward despite them.

The only part of this philosophy I truly follow when it comes to the Nine Noble Virtues is to face my fear and defend those who I love as an action. Courage is the force that overcomes these. Courage is the choice to defend rather than to run.

I remain.

The Rabyd Skald – Wandering Soul, Bard, and Philosopher.  The Grey Wayfarer.


Learning How to Teach

Happy Saturn’s Day!

About four years ago I made the decision to become a teacher. Even after a year of teaching squirrely freshmen, I still do not regret the decision. Every day in the classroom I learn something new. Learning how to teach is something I have often done, but it was part of my job, not the whole. Now it is the whole of what I do.

I teach World Geography which is the only downside and I probably will be doing it again next year, Of all the Social Studies topics it is my least favorite, but no one was offering my dream job. Get in the door first Ed, then prepare to embrace the right opportunity. This is where I am now, but not where I will eventually be.

Regardless, my chief lessons have nothing to due with World Geography. World Geography is a tool to teach what every teacher should teach – character. Vitrue and its expression in real life should be the goal of every teacher regardless of the subject. Because these can always be taught and have value in more than just in my class but in life. I don’t care if I see some of my students five years from now and they don’t know a lick of World Geography anymore. Shit, they can look up everything I teach on Google.

I will be proud if they talk to me about a job they got a promotion on because they were hard-working or that they have started a family with honor and fidelity as the center. If they talk about how they faced their fears and acted despite them. That is the joy of being a teacher.

Until then, though it is learning how to teach character through whatever subject I am teaching. That is work and I love the job. Doesn’t hurt that I get paid better than any job I have had. But in the end, it is about the satisfaction of those moments where students get it and become better.

I remain.

The Rabyd Skald – Wandering Soul, Bard, and Philosopher.  The Grey Wayfarer.


“The End of a Streak” – A Skald’s Life – Foundational Virtues

Happy Tyr’s Day

Journal Entry:

My final count was 560 days of blogging at least one post a day and that came to an end yesterday as I made the willful decision to end it that day.  The problem is twofold: 1) I need a little more time to do something I need to do and 2) the steak was becoming more of a slavery than a joy. Monkey off my back, I am free to pursue this blog as I see fit again.

I will continue to write regularly but only about five posts a  week.  I will be doing the following order.

Week A – Of Wolves and Ravens (Mani’s Day) and Freya’s Chamber’s (Frigg and Freya’s Day)

Week B – Dark ShieldMaiden (Odin’s Day) and The Pagan Pulpit (Sol’s Day)


This week is me engaged in some final thoughts before plunging in and finalizing the bigger picture regarding each virtue.


Honor is the feeling of inner value and worth from which one knows that one is noble of being, and the desire to show respect for this quality when it is found in the world”

Principle – To possess a feeling of inner value about myself and my future with a desire to find the same in others.

Goal: Maintain my YouTube Channel with at least two videos uploaded a week.

Bucket List: Hike the Northern Lakeshore Trail along the Pictured Rocks National Lakeshore in the Upper Peninsula of Michigan.

Solid Here – trying to build my YouTube Channel and keeping my big hike in view.


“Courage is the bravery to do what is right always.”

Principle – Act with Courage at the right time.

Goal: Cross two things off my bucket list by March 31st, 2021.

Bucket List: Go Back to Budapest, Hungary for a vacation.

Two Bucket list items need to go this year. I think it can be done easily enough.


“Truth is the willingness, to be honest, and to say what one knows to be true and right. It is often better to not say anything at all if one cannot be honest.”

Principle – To Honestly Pursue, Accept and Speak Truth to All who will Listen.

Goal: To Write a Book by March 31st, 2021

Bucket List: Read 52 books (one per week) in a year.

I need to get a book written this year and start at some point reading a book for a week for a year but I think that might start later in this year say September when I truly put together my reading list.

Higher Virtue: Love:

I flipped a switch this week and I have gone full-on love me first and that was a bittersweet moment.  I know some people are not going to like what I am going to do in the long term – fuck em.

Morning Routine:

  1. Stretching / Yoga
  2. Review Nine Noble Virtues (NNV), Principles, Goals and Bucket List
  3. Meditation – 5 min.
  4. Breakfast, Morning Meds.
  5. Check Communications and Email.
  6. Paper Journal: Update To-Do List.
  7. Shower, Personal Hygiene, Get Dressed for the Day.

New and good.

I remain.

The Rabyd Skald – Wandering Soul, Bard, and Philosopher. The Grey Wayfarer.


“Final Form – Foundational Virtues” – A Skald’s Life – Foundational Virtues

Happy Tyr’s Day

Journal Entry:

So it is time to finalize some things for the coming year.  My Journal posts are about keeping me focused on the virtues, principles, goals, bucket list and routines I need to make my life more than it is.  This has also been instrumental in my battle against The Grey. The whole blog really has.  This week it is time to get things in their final form and get moving on my goals for the year.

A few universal things – my bucket list has been revised and the time element has been removed.  The goal under Courage will always have crossing off a certain number of bucket list items each year so that is my time limit point of reference. Old Goals have either been replaced or edited.

Details under each Virtue.


Honor is the feeling of inner value and worth from which one knows that one is noble of being, and the desire to show respect for this quality when it is found in the world”

Principle – To possess a feeling of inner value about myself and my future with a desire to find the same in others.

Goal: Maintain my YouTube Channel with at least two videos uploaded a week.

Bucket List: Hike the Northern Lakeshore Trail along the Pictured Rocks National Lakeshore in the Upper Peninsula of Michigan.

The main focus is to develop my new soapbox in my YouTube channel The Rabyd Atheist while at the same time this blog will also continue. My bucket list item here has no timeline anymore but that is OK because it is my first major hike I want to do and so when it happens is no big deal as long as it happens.


“Courage is the bravery to do what is right always.”

Principle – Act with Courage at the right time.

Goal: Cross two things off my bucket list by March 31st, 2021.

Bucket List: Go Back to Budapest, Hungary for a vacation.

The issue for the goal every year under Courage will be to cross some things off the bucket list.  Because I did not meet this goal last year it will grow by one. I eventually want the standard number to be two every year with modifications made based on the previous year.  Example: Let’s say that this year I do three. Next year it would be two minus one because of the one over two and so I would only have to do one the next year. This goes the other way too.  My main point is to keep crossing things off the bucket list on a regular yearly basis.


“Truth is the willingness, to be honest, and to say what one knows to be true and right. It is often better to not say anything at all if one cannot be honest.”

Principle – To Honestly Pursue, Accept and Speak Truth to All who will Listen.

Goal: To Write a Book by March 31st, 2021

Bucket List: Read 52 books (one per week) in a year.

I just want to write a book and get into the habit of reading here. As bucket list items go it simply means I need to make up a list of 52 books to read and start reading one a week on average. Two habits need to be formed to be a good writer and this is the way.

Higher Virtue: Love:

Time to do stuff for me for a while.  I am heading that direction. Call me selfish if you want but after a lifetime of giving to others at my expense, time to flip the switch and worry about me.

Morning Routine:

  1. Stretching / Yoga
  2. Review Nine Noble Virtues (NNV), Principles, Goals and Bucket List
  3. Meditation – 5 min.
  4. Breakfast, Morning Meds.
  5. Check Communications and Email.
  6. Paper Journal: Update To-Do List.
  7. Shower, Personal Hygiene, Get Dressed for the Day.

This routine gets me ready for every day.

I remain.

The Rabyd Skald – Wandering Soul, Bard, and Philosopher. The Grey Wayfarer.


“Foundational Goals – Old and New” – A Skald’s Life – Foundational Goals

Happy Tyr’s Day

Journal Entry:

My foundational goals have been the least successful.  I did ain’t an my daily blog streak but getting something off the bucket list and getting my non-fiction book finished did not pan out. 1-2 record here but I have learned a few things as well. Basically, I need one new goal and I need to edit the other two to provide for a better chance of success.


Honor is the feeling of inner value and worth from which one knows that one is noble of being, and the desire to show respect for this quality when it is found in the world”

Principle – To possess a feeling of inner value about myself and my future with a desire to find the same in others.

Goal: Maintain a daily blog streak of one post per day for an entire year (365 days).  (achieved)

Bucket List: Hike the Northern Lakeshore Trail along the Pictured Rocks National Lakeshore in the Upper Peninsula of Michigan by March 2024.

New Goal: Maintain my YouTube Channel with at least two videos uploaded a week.

I am using another platform in addition to the blog to move forward with developing and honorable stance toward life. This has given me a pulpit and by this time next year, I want to look back a YouTube channel that is full of videos.


“Courage is the bravery to do what is right always.”

Principle – Act with Courage at the right time.

Goal: Cross one thing off bucket list every year. Deadline March 31st.

Bucket List: Go Back to Budapest, Hungary for a vacation by March 2029.

Edited Goal: Cross two things off my bucket list by March 31st, 2021.


“Truth is the willingness, to be honest, and to say what one knows to be true and right. It is often better to not say anything at all if one cannot be honest.”

Principle – To Honestly Pursue, Accept and Speak Truth to All who will Listen.

Goal: To Write a Non-Fiction Book by March 31st, 2020

Bucket List: Read 52 books (one per week) in the year 2020.

Edited Goal: To Write a Book by March 31st, 2021

The goal is to simply write a book. Period.

Higher Virtue: Love:

I struggle with love right now simply because I define it so differently now and I realize the loving myself is not only OK but the most important thing.

Morning Routine:

  1. Stretching / Yoga
  2. Review Nine Noble Virtues (NNV), Principles, Goals and Bucket List
  3. Meditation – 5 min.
  4. Check Communications and Email.
  5. Paper Journal: Update To-Do List.
  6. Shower, Personal Hygiene, Get Dressed for the Day
  7. Breakfast, Morning Meds.
  8. Rest Days – Morning Walk (weather permitting)

I am going back to working out after work, the moment the COVID-19 thing is done.

I remain.

The Rabyd Skald – Wandering Soul, Bard, and Philosopher. The Grey Wayfarer.


“Reflections on My Bucket List” – The Rabyd Skald

Happy Frigg and Freya’s Day!

My Bucket List (modified):

  1. Hike the Northern Lakeshore Trail along the Pictured Rocks National Lakeshore in the Upper Peninsula of Michigan
  2. Go Back to Budapest, Hungary for a vacation.
  3. Read 52 books (one per week) in a year.
  4. To be a published author of at least five books
  5. Write A Novel and Get it Published
  6. To own my own home
  7. Do a rebellious act that most Christians would not approve of
  8. To get at least one tattoo
  9. Discover all the countries of origin from my genetics and visit them all on a tour.

The main simple modification is I have removed the dates and deadlines.  Rather I am going to use my goal for Courage to define at least one to three of these begs crossed off every year. My thoughts are that many of them have time issues that are not completely up to me. I think I would rather look at them as opportunities that I need to continually work on and let my goal under Courage define how many I should strive to cross of each year.

I also think if I exceed that number whatever it is it should be counted as a goal that I might miss achieving in that year.  I am trying to create a system that encourages courage and making headway on this list.

I remain,

The Rabyd Skald – Wandering Soul, Bard, and Philosopher. The Grey Wayfarer.



“Reconsidering Goals – Part 1” – A Skald’s Life – Foundational Virtues

Happy Tyr’s Day

Journal Entry:

With Virtues and Principles in hand, it is now time to set a purpose for them to engage.  My Goals are set every year and the main goal is to finish all nine of them.  I use the Virtues and principles as much as possible to create them related to them.

Because I am not really finished thinking about these goals at the present time today I am going to simply state that I want to learn from these last goals to make ones that are on the on hand challenging and the other hand are achievable.


Honor is the feeling of inner value and worth from which one knows that one is noble of being, and the desire to show respect for this quality when it is found in the world”

Principle – To possess a feeling of inner value about myself and my future with a desire to find the same in others.

Goal: Maintain a daily blog streak of one post per day for an entire year (365 days).  (achieved)

Bucket List: Hike the Northern Lakeshore Trail along the Pictured Rocks National Lakeshore in the Upper Peninsula of Michigan by March 2024.

Last year it was blogging and this year it needs to be about finding honor.  Finding a new path to honor than the old one.


“Courage is the bravery to do what is right always.”

Principle – Act with Courage at the right time.

Goal: Cross one thing off bucket list every year. Deadline March 31st.

Bucket List: Go Back to Budapest, Hungary for a vacation by March 2029.

I may not make this one.  So it might return with the ‘penalty of saying I need to cross two or three things off.


“Truth is the willingness, to be honest, and to say what one knows to be true and right. It is often better to not say anything at all if one cannot be honest.”

Principle – To Honestly Pursue, Accept and Speak Truth to All who will Listen.

Goal: To Write a Non-Fiction Book by March 31st, 2020

Bucket List: Read 52 books (one per week) in the year 2020.

Nt going to happen but I think the problem is I limited it too much.  I just need to write and finish a book this next year and submit it to publication. That said, maybe this goal should be about my activism as an atheist rather than writing.

Higher Virtue: Love:

Love me. I need to love me.

Morning Routine:

  1. Stretching / Yoga
  2. Review Nine Noble Virtues (NNV), Principles, Goals and Bucket List
  3. Meditation – 5 min.
  4. Check Communications and Email.
  5. Paper Journal: Update To-Do List.
  6. Work Days: Dress in Gym Clothes: Go to Gym – Weightlifting / Exercise
  7. Shower, Personal Hygiene, Get Dressed for the Day
  8. Breakfast, Morning Meds.
  9. Rest Days – Morning Walk (weather permitting)

I remain.

The Rabyd Skald – Wandering Soul, Bard, and Philosopher. The Grey Wayfarer.


“Viking Philosophy – Part 2 – Be Brave, Be Aggressive” – The Pagan Pulpit

Happy Sol’s Day!


We don’t pray here – we figure God, the gods, goddesses, or whatever powers that be (if any) either know already, don’t give a fuck, or are busy with more important matters than our petty stuff. We also kind of assume that they expect us to do stuff that we can do for ourselves and that we will do them ourselves and not be lazy. We also believe in being good friends, so we don’t presume on our friendship with the powers that be by asking them all the time for stuff while giving them nothing in return.

We also don’t take an offering here.  We figure the powers that be probably don’t need it.  Let’s be honest, offerings are not given to the divine powers, they are given to an organization to support it.  Just being honest. God, the gods or whatever never sees a dime, farthing or peso of that money; it all goes to the church, mosque or shrine.

Theme Song: Norse Gains ‘Viking Gym Mix”




Sermon: ‘Viking Philosophy – Part 2 – Be Brave, Be Aggressive’

There is nothing that perhaps the Vikings are known for more than their aggressive bravery.  Born of their belief that those who died in battle went to Vahallah they were fearless in battle.  There area few points to remember:

  1. Be Direct – Honor does not allow sneaking around when dealing with others – you are as direct as possible.  You may not always tell your plans, but when you do you are straight to it.
  2. Grab All opportunities – Opportunities are not to be wasted but rather grasped and engaged as much as possible Press your advantage.
  3. Use Varying methods of Attack – Be unpredictable, never do things the same way twice.
  4. Be Versatile and Agile – More important than strength is flexibility. Movement is more important than anything to know where and when to strike.
  5. Attack one target at a time – Never divide your efforts, take out each target in turn and then move to the next.  Keep your mass of force on the single task at hand.
  6. Don’t Plan Everything in Detail – The more complicated a plan the more things can go wrong with it.  Keep it simple, direct and aggressive.
  7. Use Top Quality Weapons – Cheapness has no place in one’s weapons.  Weapons that fail at the moment of truth will get you killed. Buy the best you can and maintain them.

In our world, there is still a place for this in how one tackles life. The Brave and Aggressive will always find honor, wealth and prestige.

Parting Thought:


Image may contain: possible text that says 'Now, every time I witness a strong person, I want to know: what dark did you conquer in your story? Mountains do not rise without earthquakes.'

I remain,

The Rabyd Skald – Wandering Soul, Bard, and Philosopher. The Grey Wayfarer.


“Nine Principle Axes – Part 1” – A Skald’s Life – Foundational Virtues

Happy Tyr’s Day

Journal Entry:

My Principles are active, not passive.  It might be said virtues can be both but I deliberately designed my principles attached to each virtue to make the virtue go to work.  To turn it into an active power rather than a passive idea that does nothing.

In the art of foundational virtues, this is important as something like truth and honor does have a passive strength, but that, in my opinion, is built by active pursuit which requires active principles to guide them. my principles are like axes to the virtues’ shields. One protects and the other attacks.  That is what makes these one-two combination work.


Honor is the feeling of inner value and worth from which one knows that one is noble of being, and the desire to show respect for this quality when it is found in the world”

Principle – To possess a feeling of inner value about myself and my future with a desire to find the same in others.

Goal: Maintain a daily blog streak of one post per day for an entire year (365 days).  (achieved)

Bucket List: Hike the Northern Lakeshore Trail along the Pictured Rocks National Lakeshore in the Upper Peninsula of Michigan by March 2024.

I struggle with honor as far as actively seeking that feeling of well-being for myself.  As I consider my goals for the future I need to look more actively at this and try to order my goals accordingly.


“Courage is the bravery to do what is right always.”

Principle – Act with Courage at the right time.

Goal: Cross one thing off bucket list every year. Deadline March 31st.

Bucket List: Go Back to Budapest, Hungary for a vacation by March 2029.

I am having to an easier time with courage and acting with courage,  I just hesitate with certain issues and events I am trying to do.


“Truth is the willingness, to be honest, and to say what one knows to be true and right. It is often better to not say anything at all if one cannot be honest.”

Principle – To Honestly Pursue, Accept and Speak Truth to All who will Listen.

Goal: To Write a Non-Fiction Book by March 31st, 2020

Bucket List: Read 52 books (one per week) in the year 2020.

I have become more of n advocate for various things that interest me.  The Rabyd Atheist has not only been a good YouTube channel for me but a new pulpit for things I consider true. I am definitely turning into more of an active truth presenter.

Higher Virtue: Love:

Loving myself has become a central issue in all this.

Morning Routine:

  1. Stretching / Yoga
  2. Review Nine Noble Virtues (NNV), Principles, Goals and Bucket List
  3. Meditation – 5 min.
  4. Check Communications and Email.
  5. Paper Journal: Update To-Do List.
  6. Work Days: Dress in Gym Clothes: Go to Gym – Weightlifting / Exercise
  7. Shower, Personal Hygiene, Get Dressed for the Day
  8. Breakfast, Morning Meds.
  9. Rest Days – Morning Walk (weather permitting)

I remain.

The Rabyd Skald – Wandering Soul, Bard, and Philosopher. The Grey Wayfarer.


“Nine Shields – Part 1” – A Skald’s Life – Foundational Virtues

Happy Tyr’s Day

Journal Entry:

In the next five weeks, I will be reconsidering the nine noble virtues, the principles that guild my practice of them. my goals, my bucket list, and my routines. This will all end at the end of March which then will be the restart for my 52nd. yar of life. March 18th is my birthday so at that point I will be looking at what is next.

I want to look at the Nine Noble Virtues as my nine shields that protect my life this time around.  Nine Virtues; Nine Shields. All of them protect various aspects of my life when exercised effectively. Once protected then I am free to move forward.


Honor is the feeling of inner value and worth from which one knows that one is noble of being, and the desire to show respect for this quality when it is found in the world”

Principle – To possess a feeling of inner value about myself and my future with a desire to find the same in others.

Goal: Maintain a daily blog streak of one post per day for an entire year (365 days).  (achieved)

Bucket List: Hike the Northern Lakeshore Trail along the Pictured Rocks National Lakeshore in the Upper Peninsula of Michigan by March 2024.

Honor remains the most difficult virtue for me. I still struggle wot find some value in my life at times. So many things and people  I want in it are missing. I have struggles finding my way sometimes when it comes to honor. I suppose there are moments in life where I  feel honored.  I just wish that more times I felt that coming from within than without. I know that this would protect me from my most dangerous enemy – myself.


“Courage is the bravery to do what is right always.”

Principle – Act with Courage at the right time.

Goal: Cross one thing off bucket list every year. Deadline March 31st.

Bucket List: Go Back to Budapest, Hungary for a vacation by March 2029.

I can see the shield fo courage in the corner. I know what I need to do and it means taking that shield up and moving forward. I just struggle with getting up and going once more into the fight again. It’s a good shield but it means nothing unless I use it.


“Truth is the willingness, to be honest, and to say what one knows to be true and right. It is often better to not say anything at all if one cannot be honest.”

Principle – To Honestly Pursue, Accept and Speak Truth to All who will Listen.

Goal: To Write a Non-Fiction Book by March 31st, 2020

Bucket List: Read 52 books (one per week) in the year 2020.

Truth is my favorite shield but it is also a bugger to carry.  You want to put it down all the time because it can be so heavy. Yet nothing protects one better than the truth.

Higher Virtue: Love:

I wrote on love yesterday and used up most of my emotional capacity on it then.

Morning Routine:

  1. Stretching / Yoga
  2. Review Nine Noble Virtues (NNV), Principles, Goals and Bucket List
  3. Meditation – 5 min.
  4. Check Communications and Email.
  5. Paper Journal: Update To-Do List.
  6. Work Days: Dress in Gym Clothes: Go to Gym – Weightlifting / Exercise
  7. Shower, Personal Hygiene, Get Dressed for the Day
  8. Breakfast, Morning Meds.
  9. Rest Days – Morning Walk (weather permitting)

Solid.  I need to do it more.

I remain.

The Rabyd Skald – Wandering Soul, Bard, and Philosopher. The Grey Wayfarer.
